Count Tag Selection

Inventory Control Menu -> Inventory Count -> Count Tag Entry -> Count Tag Details -> Tag Number field -> Count Tag Selection

Existing tags as entered in Count Tag Details or created in Generate Count Tags are listed in this window for the specific location.

Resulting Count Tag List:
The inventory count tags are displayed with the count tag #, product #, product description, quantity on the tag, location or bin number, operator and name.
Only "unprocessed" tags that have not updated the Inventory Worksheet are listed.

Blank Count Tags and Count Tags that have been assigned to a product in Generate Count Tags are included.

The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.

To select a value from the displayed list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.

If a blank Count Tag is selected, the operator is prompted to enter or select a product number and serial number when applicable.
Search windows are provided, before returning to the Count Tag Details screen where the quantity can be entered.

Note: Once the quantities on the Inventory Count Worksheet has been accepted and the product file count has been updated using Print and Update Inventory Count Quantities the Count Tags are cleared and can be reused.

Topic Keyword: RSNQ50A (3940)
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