DPL Notification Matrix

System Maintenance Menu -> DPL Configuration -> Notification Matrix

After the DPL Gateway Configuration, Notification Times and Data Tags have been setup, this screen can be used to define the specific Notification Matrix categorizing the Data Tags into Notification Levels, that then default to the equipment Service Managers in the Division Setup, and can be assigned to the Site Superintendents, and at the document level.

Use the following configuration utilities to structure your firm's alert process:

Select each of the following setup utilities in turn and in the following sequence:

Enter the default alert code to be assigned to new Service Managers and Site Superintendents, or select one from the Notification Code Search window.
This is a default only, and can always be changed as required.

Notification Matrix
When the Notification Matrix option is selected from the Configuration radio group, the following fields can be used to setup the categories or Levels of Data Tags:
The sequence number tracks the Level records in this table.

Enter an Alert Level code of up to 8 characters.

Basically, there should be at least two basic alert level codes, one for items Out on a contract, and one for items not out.
e.g. ALERT1 and NOTOUT

The NOTOUT code is automatically created and is not intended to be assigned on a document.
It is useful to send alerts to only the Service Manager when equipment not out on contract triggers an alarm.
e.g. Equipment being moved around in the yard sends a 'low oil pressure' alarm.

Note: Only codes that are not assigned to a document or Site Superintendent can be deleted from this matrix table.

Enter the description of this code.

Window to assign the Data Tags to this category or alert Level code in the Alarm Notification Levels window.

When the Notification Matrix information is complete click ACCEPT to accept the screen.

Note: Any changes made to this table, also updates the Data Tags for the Service Managers in the Division Setup.

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